

Today was full of little fuzzies.

Haha, is that a strange way to describe a day ?

But it was a good friday tbh.

I’ve been staying /w MT since the flood b/c my bed got thrown out and they still haven’t finished fixing my carpet so my room is still a mess.

Everything is piled up in a corner.

Fishy’s aunt told me that they’re probably going to be coming on Monday to deal /w it.

I do hope that I can deal /w it sooner than later but I’m thankful for the opportunity to spend time /w MT.

We don’t always talk when we’re together b/c we’ll be doing our own thing but it’s nice have her just there.

Sometimes we have word vomit and all the sudden we’ll talk a lot.

It’s comfortable, kind of like when I’m /w CCY.

There are a few others who make me feel like this too.

The Good Friday service was interesting.

I vaguely remember going to the one from last year.

I was reminded of that memory today.

It is interesting b/c it is a combined service /w other groups at MCLC.

I think that is kinda cool.

The song that spoke out to me most was “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us”.

The SEAC choir sang that song and I thought it sounded really good.

We had worship practice at SEAC /w the choir again after which I enjoyed !

For one of the songs, I can’t really tell when I’m singing or shouting anymore b/c we build it up a lot.

It’s kind of insane. We are insanely loud haha.

I hope my voice doesn’t crack on Sunday, that would be pretty embarrassing although it doesn’t really matter that much tbh.

As long as God knows that I’m singing to him with all my heart.

I went home after to attempt to start my assignments this week.

This week is insane.

A 5 pg qualitative assignment due Tues, 15 pg paper due Thurs and another 5-6 pg paper due Fri.

Will I even manage to survive ?? =(

Everytime I think about everything I have to do I feel like I want to throw up.

I ended up taking a nap instead though. Faill

I was so tired lol.

When I woke up, it was time to go to hotpot.

I missed CCY’s first few calls.



It was obvious that the guys put in effort to organize everything.

You can see that they were trying, tried.

And I really appreciate that.

That was one of the fuzzies I felt.

Jo came to sit /w me and she talked to me /wout me having to initiate.

That was encouraging.

I finally got to see cyncyn. I don’t think I’ve seen her for a month.

I really hope that everyone who went today felt included.

I believe that was the whole point of the event.

Canbi, Cheryl, Sam Tsang, Julie and Sally came who I don’t see very often.

It felt like it was a GIFT appreciation night.

It was fun watching some of the boys.

They seemed to have fun playing basketball.

I wanted to play too !

But I was just not dressed in proper attire.

At one time during the night, a bunch of us were sitting around this one table and just talking about random things.

That was a fuzzy too because I felt in that moment somehow everyone was just.. close or actually part of GIFT.

More fuzzies but I’m too tired, and there were too many to say all of them.


It is 5:30 am.. I don’t think I’ll be able to start my assignments now.

Should I go to 30 hr famine tmr…? Ahh priorities.

God, please give me the focus I need to do my assignments in the morning.

I really need you b/c I definitely can’t do this by myself.

Soo dead.


Today I woke up so.. late !!

I slept til 3 pm… crazy.

I think it’s been quite awhile since I’ve slept in.

It felt kinda gross because it was like 13 hrs of sleep.

I ate lunch and then it was pretty much time to go to the small group meeting.

I enjoyed the small group meeting although only about half of the people were there.. I really liked how everyone shared about how their small groups were doing and I guess personal thoughts on small groups.

Yeah, I still have to figure out where my priorities lie in terms of small groups.

Hotpot was good actually. I hope people enjoyed it.

I hope ppl actually feel full !

I know maybe not everyone felt that they could really connect but I hope that they enjoyed at least the food or something.

I find that it’s really hard to get ppl involved unless they are willing to put themselves out there first.

Tmr, is duckhood hangout after church.

Chau and I will get to catch up with Ducky !

It’s going to be a long talk I think.